Teaching Bridge online has never been EASIER! Video Tutorials

Here's a 15-minute video that explains all of Morris 'Mojo' Jones workflow for going from a lesson plan to a Shark Bridge fully interactive lesson.
He used the teachers manual for Chapter 5 of Play of the Hand in the 21st Century, downloaded from acbl.org.
Hi hope is that it will improve lesson quality and give teachers an idea of how to (a) unlock the potential of Shark Bridge, and (b) save a lot of preparation time.
Here's the video. Best viewed in full HD: https://youtu.be/q56qIjc-BfY
Here is a video of our 2.5 hours demo and Q&A session on March 12: Zoom Recording
Heres is video of Duplicate game presentation to ABTA teachers on March 8th: Zoom Recording
Here is a video tutorial by Keith Hafen on how to use 8x8 meet in combination with teacher console: